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Gail's LLLI Conference Blog

Friday, June 10, 2005

Sessions sessions sessions

sessions sessions sessions

I finally picked out my session choices.

I chose ~~~

Employment and Breastfeeding: Making it Work for the preconference workshop on Saturday.

~Bullies, Victims & Bystanders: From pre-school to highschool-How parents can help break the cycle of violence. (My middle son has struggled with this on the bus and at school... I hope I get some ideas to help him)

~The sandwich generation: caught in the middle (I'm dead set in the middle)


~~Breastfeed a toddler? Why on earth? Is there any reason to do it? ('cause it's JACK NEWMAN!!!)

~~How Hospital Policies adversely Affect the Managment of Jaundice and Hypoglycemia (I want to know more before starting my ob clinicals)

~~Breastfeeding in Challenging Situations: Ankyloglossia, Candidiasis, and phone counseling latch on techniques. (I hope to hear more and actually see the "hamburger hold" and so much more)

~~Making Sense of Adolescence: Understanding and dealing with teenagers. (my son is turning 16, the other is 12.... I need this session... Hormones anyone??)

~~Solving Breastfeeding Problems: Are there natural laws we can use? ('cause it's Dianne Weissenger and Nancy Mohrbacher !!!)

Okay, now to make a photo copy and mail it in.

Once that's done I can relax and choose which sights I want to see!!



At 10:03 AM, Blogger Suna Kendall said...

You chose a lot of the same ones as me, and since I doubt I will get to all of them, I hope you will share your thoughts--I am really interested in the bullying one and the teens one. Sue Ann

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

The conference is only a couple days away! We are very excited to read all about your conference experience! Remember, as a conference blogger, you will have priority access to use the computers in the Tech Room any time you want to post. I've sent you an email with details -- if you haven't received it, please contact me. See you in DC!


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